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Uber Should Be Regulated as Taxi Service, European Legal Adviser Says - The New York Times

posted onJuly 4, 2017
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LONDON — Uber suffered a blow to its expansion plans in Europe on Tuesday after a senior adviser to the region’s highest court said that the ride-hailing service should have to abide by tough European rules governing taxi services. The recommendation, a nonbinding opinion by an advocate general for the Court of Justice of the European Union, comes as Uber faces an array of issues worldwide.

On London’s Streets, Black Cabs and Uber Fight for a Future - The New York Times

posted onJuly 4, 2017
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LONDON — Shortly before 6 a.m., Zahra Bakkali tiptoed out of her bedroom for morning prayers. She prepared breakfast (black tea and toast with olive oil), saw her children off to school, then rode the elevator to the garage below her southeast London housing project. She unlocked her white Toyota Prius, switched on the Uber app and awaited the day’s first job. In a modest bungalow on the opposite side of the city, Paul Walsh had coffee and toast with butter.

Court Blocks E.P.A. Effort to Suspend Obama-Era Methane Rule - The New York Times

posted onJuly 4, 2017
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WASHINGTON — Dealing a legal blow to the Trump administration, a federal appeals court ruled on Monday that the Environmental Protection Agency cannot suspend an Obama-era rule to restrict methane emissions from new oil and gas wells. The 2-to-1 decision from the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit is a legal setback for Scott Pruitt, the E.P.A.

‘That’s Him’: Christie Goes to the Shore, and the Critics Pounce - The New York Times

posted onJuly 4, 2017
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The governor and his family were easy to spot on the shimmering Jersey Shore, amid 10 miles of a state beach closed by a budget standoff, even from 1,000 feet above. Andy Mills, a 6-foot-3-inch photographer for The Star-Ledger, dangled out of a Cessna 152 two-seater and aimed his long lens at what looked like just dots on the sand. Following a hunch that with an empty Sunday morning schedule, Gov.

Caught in Budget Tugs of War, States Teeter on the Brink - The New York Times

posted onJuly 4, 2017
by admin
AUGUSTA, Me. — Government workers marched outside the State House here chanting, “Do your job!” on Monday as Maine kept children’s caseworkers at home and shut down other offices deemed nonessential, and lawmakers worked on a deal late into the night. The governor signed a new budget at 1:03 a.m. on Tuesday, but not before residents saw state business temporarily upended. A standoff over a tax increase left Illinois teetering on the edge of a potentially devastating credit downgrade.