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Politics - The Boston Globe

posted onMarch 27, 2019
by admin
JOAN VENNOCHI If Democrats don’t give up on it, they will be aiding and abetting Trump’s reelection.  The fact that Robert Mueller was unable to rule out the possibility that the president of the United States may have criminally obstructed justice is no mere side issue, no minor footnote.

Politics - The Boston Globe

posted onMarch 27, 2019
by admin
JOAN VENNOCHI If Democrats don’t give up on it, they will be aiding and abetting Trump’s reelection.  The fact that Robert Mueller was unable to rule out the possibility that the president of the United States may have criminally obstructed justice is no mere side issue, no minor footnote.

Politics - The Boston Globe

posted onMarch 27, 2019
by admin
JOAN VENNOCHI If Democrats don’t give up on it, they will be aiding and abetting Trump’s reelection.  The fact that Robert Mueller was unable to rule out the possibility that the president of the United States may have criminally obstructed justice is no mere side issue, no minor footnote.

Barr faces political storm over Mueller report | TheHill

posted onMarch 26, 2019
by admin
Attorney General William Barr is at the center of a political storm following the release of his conclusions on the Mueller report. Democrats are vowing to call him before Congress to testify, and they want to see all the materials that led to his decision, made along with Deputy Attorney General MORE. Unlike special counsel MORE, a former FBI director appointed by presidents in both parties and confirmed by broad bipartisan majorities to his previous posts, Barr was picked by Trump to lead the Justice Department and is viewed as a more parti

Senate gears up for Green New Deal vote | TheHill

posted onMarch 26, 2019
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The Senate will vote as soon as Tuesday on a motion to proceed on the Green New Deal, a broad climate change bill that has divided Democrats, and which Republicans hope to use as a wedge issue in 2020. Democrats are broadly expected to vote present on the legislation as a way of deflecting a political attack from Senate Majority Leader MORE (R-Ky.), who scheduled the vote to put the minority in a difficult position. They have sought to cast the scheduling of the vote as a political trick. “This vote is a sham and little more than a political ploy to protect vulnerable

Trump plots post-Mueller payback | TheHill

posted onMarch 26, 2019
by admin
MORE’s Russia investigation. The clear signal from Team Trump is that they think they can go on offense by using Mueller’s findings to jam Democrats and juice Trump’s base in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential race. A summary of the special counsel’s conclusions released Sunday by Attorney General William Barr said that Mueller had not found enough evidence to prove a conspiracy between Trump’s campaign and Moscow.

Mitch McConnell: 'No Collusion, No Conspiracy, No Obstruction'

posted onMarch 26, 2019
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“Yesterday, Attorney General [William] Barr transmitted to Congress his summary of the Special Counsel’s principal conclusions from his investigation into Russia’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 election. The result of that investigation is being hailed as good news for the president. It certainly is that. But really, it is good news for the country,” he said in a speech on the Senate floor. “[T]he American people hired this president to clean up the mess of the preceding eight years. That’s exactly what we’ve set about doing. And the results are clear.

Lindsey Graham: Investigate FISA Abuse, Surveillance of Trump

posted onMarch 26, 2019
by admin
After noting that after special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation confirmed that the Donald Trump campaign did not collude with the Russian government, the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman said he wanted to talk about the “other side of the story,” which includes possible abuse of the FISA warrant process to spy on the Donald Trump campaign by DOJ and FBI officials. Graham said, “The FISA warrant issued against Carter Page was based on a dossier prepared by Christopher Steele is at a minimum disturbing. Whether or not it is illegal, I don’t know. So I’m going to get answers to this.