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Barr faces political storm over Mueller report | TheHill

posted onMarch 26, 2019

Article snippet: Attorney General William Barr is at the center of a political storm following the release of his conclusions on the Mueller report. Democrats are vowing to call him before Congress to testify, and they want to see all the materials that led to his decision, made along with Deputy Attorney General MORE. Unlike special counsel MORE, a former FBI director appointed by presidents in both parties and confirmed by broad bipartisan majorities to his previous posts, Barr was picked by Trump to lead the Justice Department and is viewed as a more partisan figure. At the same time, he is a veteran of Washington who impressed a number of observers with his handling of questions during his Senate confirmation hearing in January. This is also his second stint as attorney general, having served under President George H.W. Bush. Barr wrote in his letter to Congress Sunday summarizing Mueller’s conclusions that the special counsel had decided not to say whether Trump had committed obstruction of justice. As attorney general, he wrote, it’s up to him “to determine whether the conduct described in the report constitutes a crime.” The attorney general quoted directly from Mueller’s report in stating that it “does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.” Barr said that he and Rosenstein had reviewed the evidence laid out by the special counsel and found that it was “not sufficient” to bring forth such a charge. He added that the report “iden... Link to the full article to read more

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