Article snippet: The Senate will vote as soon as Tuesday on a motion to proceed on the Green New Deal, a broad climate change bill that has divided Democrats, and which Republicans hope to use as a wedge issue in 2020. Democrats are broadly expected to vote present on the legislation as a way of deflecting a political attack from Senate Majority Leader MORE (R-Ky.), who scheduled the vote to put the minority in a difficult position. They have sought to cast the scheduling of the vote as a political trick. “This vote is a sham and little more than a political ploy to protect vulnerable Republicans from having to defend their climate science denial,” said Sen. MORE (D-Mass.). Even though he is the Senate sponsor of the Green New Deal legislation, he will vote present on the legislation. Groups supporting the Green New Deal are essentially giving members a free pass to not vote in favor of the measure. A representative of the Sunrise Movement, the youth climate action group that went viral earlier this year through a confrontation in Sen. MORE’s (D-Calif.) office over the Green New Deal, said they aren’t pushing for a vote in the House — where Democrats have the majority. Stephen O’Hanlon, communications director for the group, said it is pushing for members to sponsor the legislation but sees votes as pointless while MORE is in the White House. “We aren’t calling for a vote in the House,” he said. “The point isn’t to pass the resolution, it’s a conversation starter. We don’t have a... Link to the full article to read more
Senate gears up for Green New Deal vote | TheHill