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Congress punts on disaster aid amid standoff with Trump, Dems | TheHill

posted onApril 12, 2019
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Lawmakers are punting on billions in disaster aid for parts of the Midwest, Southeast and Puerto Rico as they leave Washington for two weeks without an agreement. A gang of GOP senators, including Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman MORE (R-Ala.), went to the White House on Thursday as part of an effort to make headway in the stalled talks. But the meeting with MORE, which senators described as “nice,” failed to break the logjam that has stalemated disaster aid negotiations ever since the president criticized Puerto Rico during a closed-

Dems say attorney general undermined credibility with Trump talking point | TheHill

posted onApril 12, 2019
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Democrats on Thursday accused Attorney General MORE’s attacks on the FBI after he testified the day before that he is reviewing whether U.S. officials were improperly “spying” on the 2016 campaign. They warned that Barr is undermining his credibility by using language that echoes Trump and his allies. “When someone is given real information that Russia interfered with our elections, of course they’re supposed to look into it, that’s part of their job,” Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said from the Senate floor on Thursday. “For Mr.

Expert: Every Illegal Alien Costs Americans $70K Over their Lifetime

posted onApril 12, 2019
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During an interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily, Camarota said his research has revealed the enormous financial burden that illegal immigration has on America’s working and middle class taxpayers in terms of public services, depressed wages, and welfare. “In a person’s lifetime, I’ve estimated that an illegal border crosser might cost taxpayers … maybe over $70,000 a year as a net cost,” Camarota said.

Former Obama White House Counsel Gregory Craig Indicted in Foreign Lobbying Probe

posted onApril 12, 2019
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The Department of Justice charges Craig hid “material facts” and lied to the National Security Division’s Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) Unit in relation to legal work he did for Ukraine in 2012 after leaving the White House to join Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom. The development comes after lawyers for Craig said Wednesday that they expected him to face federal charges in coming days linked to jailed lobbyist Paul Manafort, the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post

Politics - The Boston Globe

posted onApril 12, 2019
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The goal: Generate much-needed cash to plow into education and transportation with a surcharge of 4 percentage points on the state’s income tax for earnings above $1 million.   The hourlong meeting between Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins and Thomas A. Turco III — Governor Charlie Baker’s public safety secretary — was part of an effort to quell the heated dispute between the state and county officials.

Politics - The Boston Globe

posted onApril 12, 2019
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Editorial The exit of DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen makes it clear that President Trump would rather break the law than merely bend it in pursuing his immigration policy.   JOAN VENNOCHI The zeal to denounce Nielsen has an edge to it that’s reserved for Trump-connected women.   The goal: Generate much-needed cash to plow into education and transportation with a surcharge of 4 percentage points on the state’s income tax for earnings above $1 million.   The hourlong meeting between Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins and Thomas A.