Article snippet: Democrats on Thursday accused Attorney General MORE’s attacks on the FBI after he testified the day before that he is reviewing whether U.S. officials were improperly “spying” on the 2016 campaign. They warned that Barr is undermining his credibility by using language that echoes Trump and his allies. “When someone is given real information that Russia interfered with our elections, of course they’re supposed to look into it, that’s part of their job,” Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said from the Senate floor on Thursday. “For Mr. Barr to label this as spying, echoing some of the worst conspiracy theorists in the country, he loses all credibility and that credibility is vital,” Schumer said. “Because he’ll be issuing a report with redactions.” Democratic lawmakers said they plan to ask Barr for more clarity on what exactly he meant with the use of the word “spying” when he returns to testify about special counsel Robdert Mueller’s completed investigation next month. “I can hardly wait,” said Sen. MORE (D-Hawaii), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. “The attorney general knew exactly the import of the words he used. And it was yet another gift to this president.” She called Barr's four-page memo summarizing Mueller’s report “the first gift.” Barr’s memo, Democrats contend, allowed the White House to cement the narrative that Mueller’s investigation left Trump in the clear. While Barr in his letter quoted from Mueller’s report directly to... Link to the full article to read more
Dems say attorney general undermined credibility with Trump talking point | TheHill