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MIT officials: Trump misunderstood our climate research | TheHill

posted onJune 2, 2017
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President Trump misunderstood a Massachusetts Institute of Technology study he cited during a speech on Thursday announcing the United States' withdrawal from the Paris climate accord, university officials told Reuters. The study in question, "How much of a difference will the Paris Agreement make?," was published in April 2016 and states that, if countries upheld their co

White House may have broke ethics rule with retroactive waiver: report | TheHill

posted onJune 2, 2017
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The White House may have granted Chief Strategist The New York Times reported Thursday. If, in fact, the waiver was granted after an ethics complaint took aim at Bannon's discussions with Breitbart editors, the White House could be in violation of federal ethics rules. “There is no such thing as a retroactive waiver,” Walter Shaub, the director of the Office of Government Ethics, told the Times.

Trump appeals travel ban case to Supreme Court | TheHill

posted onJune 2, 2017
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The Trump administration late Thursday asked the Supreme Court to reconsider its travel ban that would block citizens from six Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S.  The administration filed two emergency applications with the Supreme Court justices seeking to block lower level court rulings that had previously halted Trump's March 6 executive order Reuters reported Thursday.

Koch-backed group launches six-figure campaign for tax reform | TheHill

posted onJune 2, 2017
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Americans for Prosperity (AFP) on Thursday announced that it is launching a six-figure advertising effort urging lawmakers to pass tax reform. The effort calls for reform that lowers rates, reduces the number of tax brackets and eliminates preferences for special interests. The ads encourage the public to tell lawmakers to “support AFP’s plan to un-rig the economy!” The ads will appear on digital platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, a spokesman for the free-market group said. The ads are part of a 

Democrats Sought Inquiry of Testimony by Sessions at His Confirmation Hearing - The New York Times

posted onJune 2, 2017
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WASHINGTON — Two Democratic senators disclosed on Thursday that they had asked James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director, to open a criminal investigation into whether Attorney General Jeff Sessions perjured himself when he falsely said at his confirmation hearing that he “did not have communications with the Russians” last year. The senators, Patrick J. Leahy of Vermont and Al Franken of Minnesota, released three letters to the F.B.I. that they privately sent in March, April and May.