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Paris Climate Accord Withdrawal is One of the Least Trump-Like Things Trump Has Done

posted onJune 2, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 4:00 am on June 2, 2017 by Kimberly Ross In a week that included plenty of speculation on Jared Kushner and Russia, and a tweet typo called “covfefe”, you might not expect much of anything on the positive side coming out of the White House. If you’re a member of the hand-wringing Left, you’re still feeling that way. If you’re on the Right side of the aisle, though, you should be pleased with President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord. Contrary to popular belief, the world did not come to an end on Thursday afternoon in the Rose Garden. The TV pundits and Hollywood elite are busy spreading that narrative as they tweet from their yachts, but this is just not the case. Part of the liberal disgust at the president’s announcement surely has to do with his supposed attack on the legacy of one Barack Obama. President Trump continues to chip away at his mantelpiece of achievement, if that’s what you want to call it. As all voters uninterested in tribalism should do, I’ll continue to praise the good President Trump does and call out the bad. Withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord? This is a good move. Before Trump’s announcement on Thursday, Rich Lowry at National Review argued for pulling out the agreement. After Trump’s announcement, David French, also of National Review, commended the president. All Americans should applaud the president’s move to reject the precarious piece of propaganda known as the climate accord. Supporting t... Link to the full article to read more

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