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Sessions Is Likely to Be Grilled on Reports of Meeting With Russian Envoy - The New York Times

posted onJune 13, 2017
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WASHINGTON — In the days since the dramatic congressional testimony last week by James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director, numerous questions have swirled about the role that Attorney General Jeff Sessions played in Mr. Comey’s firing, as well as how much Mr. Sessions may be enmeshed in the bureau’s Russia investigation. Senators will have the opportunity to confront Mr. Sessions about these topics on Tuesday, when the attorney general appears before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Republican senators float alternatives to comprehensive Obamacare replacement bill - ABC News

posted onJune 13, 2017
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Senate Republicans continue to hammer away at a comprehensive package to replace the Affordable Care Act, but some of their colleagues are already looking beyond that bill, publicly suggesting other ways to at least score some points on an Obamacare replacement. Senate Majority Leader the Senate floor “in the near future,” likely before the July 4 congressional recess.

Court largely upholds block on Trump's revised travel ban - ABC News

posted onJune 13, 2017
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President Trump's second travel ban is still being largely blocked by the courts after the latest decision was handed down today. The 9th Circuit decided to uphold in large part the injunction on the second iteration of the travel ban, according to the ruling. This revised version of the executive order suspended refugee admissions for 120 days and barred people from six majority-Muslim nations from entering the United States for 90 days while the administration reviewed vetting procedures. A temporary restraining order

Sessions to testify publicly before Senate Intelligence Committee Tuesday - ABC News

posted onJune 13, 2017
by admin
Attorney General Jeff Sessions will testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday afternoon in an open session, the committee announced Monday. Over the weekend, Sessions asked to appear before the Intelligence Committee instead of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees, where he was expected to appear to discuss Department of Justice funding.