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Jeff Sessions Denies Collusion, Deploring ‘Detestable Lie’ in Senate Testimony - The New York Times

posted onJune 14, 2017
by admin
WASHINGTON — Attorney General Jeff Sessions offered an indignant defense on Tuesday against what he called “an appalling and detestable lie” that he may have colluded with the Russian effort to interfere in the 2016 election, but he declined during an often contentious Senate hearing to answer central questions about his or President Trump’s conduct. Sounding by turns wounded and defiant, Mr. Sessions, a former senator from Alabama, often infused his testimony with more emotion than specifics as he showcased his loyalty to Mr. Trump.

NFL Network Warns Staffers to Steer Clear of Politics on Social Media

posted onJune 14, 2017
by admin
While ESPN continues to spiral into pure left-wing politics, the NFL Network seems ready to avoid the cable sports network’s troubles, Sports Business Daily reported. NFL executives are becoming alarmed by the volatility of mixing politics with sports and see it as a sort of “no-win scenario.” So, network execs are saying “avoid politics.” “Those debates are healthy in the middle of newsrooms and discussions face-to-face,” NFL Network’s executive producer of studio and remote content, Mike Murian

NFL Network Warns Staffers to Steer Clear of Politics on Social Media

posted onJune 14, 2017
by admin
While ESPN continues to spiral into pure left-wing politics, the NFL Network seems ready to avoid the cable sports network’s troubles, Sports Business Daily reported. NFL executives are becoming alarmed by the volatility of mixing politics with sports and see it as a sort of “no-win scenario.” So, network execs are saying “avoid politics.” “Those debates are healthy in the middle of newsrooms and discussions face-to-face,” NFL Network’s executive producer of studio and remote content, Mike Murian

Jeff Sessions testifies: What to expect from Tuesday's Senate Intelligence Committee hearing - ABC News

posted onJune 14, 2017
by admin
Attorney General Jeff Sessions will testify in an open session before the Senate Intelligence Committee Tuesday afternoon as a part of its ongoing probe into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Sessions' opening statement is not expected to go into great detail, a source with knowledge told ABC News. However, during his testimony and in answering senators' questions, Sessions is prepared to address some outstanding lines of inquiry regarding the Russia investigation and his time as attorney general.

Questions AG Jeff Sessions is likely to (or should) face during testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee - ABC News

posted onJune 14, 2017
by admin
Attorney General James Comey's testimony from last week, explain his interactions with the former FBI director and Trump and discuss his role in Comey's firing. The following are a list questions senators have suggested to ABC News and/or publicly that they might ask: Comey testified that Sessions left the Oval Office on Feb. 14, leaving Comey alone with Trump.

Attorney General Sessions calls allegations of collusion with Russia an 'appalling and detestable lie' - ABC News

posted onJune 14, 2017
by admin
Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday afternoon issued a sweeping denial of any personal involvement in Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign, calling accusations that he even discussed such an effort with officials from that country an "appalling and detestable lie." "I have never met with, or had any conversation with, any Russians or any foreign officials concerning any type of interference with any campaign or election in the United States," Sessions told the Senate Intelligence Committee.