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Elizabeth Warren Says Single Payer Is the 'Next Step' While Republicans Fail to Offer Alternative

posted onJune 28, 2017
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Posted at 7:00 pm on June 27, 2017 by Jim Jamitis Far left Senator Elizabeth Warren was on the stump this weekend saying that Democrats need to run on the promise of single payer healthcare. At one time, I would have welcomed the Democrats campaigning on that. Now I fear it, because as bad an idea as I still think single payer is, it is at least an idea. Bad ideas win when opposed by no ideas.

Energy Secretary Rick Perry Didn't Get The Memo That Press Briefings Aren't Supposed To Be So Animated

posted onJune 28, 2017
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Posted at 8:30 pm on June 27, 2017 by Susan Wright Well, this was different for a White House press briefing. Former Texas Governor/current Energy Secretary Rick Perry commandeered the White House press briefing room and, as one Twitter commenter noted, had more fun doing Sean Spicer’s job than Spicer does. Secretary Perry was there to address the accomplishments and goals of the Energy Department and addressed the topics of climate change and the Paris climate agreement (“The US already leads the world in lowering emissions.

Republicans Blew It On Healthcare Reform and Only Have Themselves to Blame

posted onJune 28, 2017
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Posted at 4:00 am on June 28, 2017 by Jay Caruso Congress will head home for the July 4th recess without having passed a single major piece of legislation. Worse, there’s no repeal of Obamacare. There isn’t even a healthcare bill that passed, and the fate of that legislation is still up in the air. Worse, Republicans handled it all so ineptly they’ve already lost the political battle to the Democrats who were ready.

North Korea: Trump's 'America First' policy is like Nazism | TheHill

posted onJune 28, 2017
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North Korea's state media on Tuesday compared President Trump to Adolf Hitler, saying Trump's policy of "America First" was a modern-day Nazism, the Wall Street Journal reported. In a report published Tuesday, Korean Central News Agency said that Trump's "America First" policy is "the American version of Nazism far surpassing the fascism in the last century in its ferocious, brutal and chauvinistic nature.” The report continued, calling it “Nazism in the 21st century,” and comparing Trump to Hit

Trump's EPA chief met with chemical CEO before dropping pesticide ban: report | TheHill

posted onJune 28, 2017
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Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt met privately with the CEO of a top chemical company before deciding to drop a ban on a widely-used pesticide that has been shown to harm children’s brains, The Associated Press reported Tuesday. Pruitt, President Trump’s top environmental official, reportedly met with the CEO of Dow Chemical, Andrew Liveris, for 30 minutes at a Houston hotel on Ma

Reporter who clashed with Sanders during press briefing: It was a ‘long time coming' | TheHill

posted onJune 28, 2017
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Brian Karem, the Playboy contributor who clashed with Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders during Tuesday's White House press briefing, told MSNBC that the spat was a "long time coming." Karem admitted on "Hardball with Chris Matthews" that he lost his temper, but said that it had been building for months. "Maybe I lost my temper at that moment,” he told Matthews. “But it was a long time coming.

Scarborough defends CNN against Trump: CNN 'has more integrity' | TheHill

posted onJune 28, 2017
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MSNBC host Joe Scarborough pushed back at the Trump administration on Tuesday for attacking CNN and other news organizations as "fake news," blasting the president for having less integrity than news outlets. The "Morning Joe" host defended CNN employees on Twitter, saying they "have every reason to take great pride in their work." Scarborough continued in a second tweet, adding that CNN "has more integrity on its worst day than resigned Monday after the network was forced to retract a story about top Trump aide Anthony Scaramucci and a Russian investment fund run by a bank controlled by

China Is Among Worst Human Trafficking Offenders, State Dept. Says - The New York Times

posted onJune 28, 2017
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WASHINGTON — China is among the world’s worst offenders for allowing modern slavery to thrive within its borders, according to a strongly worded State Department report released Tuesday. In its annual assessment of global efforts to end human trafficking — with an estimated 20 million people remaining in bondage around the world — the State Department dropped China to the lowest tier of its ranking this year, as it did with the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo. Those three nations joined 20 others already