Article snippet: Posted at 7:00 pm on June 27, 2017 by Jim Jamitis Far left Senator Elizabeth Warren was on the stump this weekend saying that Democrats need to run on the promise of single payer healthcare. At one time, I would have welcomed the Democrats campaigning on that. Now I fear it, because as bad an idea as I still think single payer is, it is at least an idea. Bad ideas win when opposed by no ideas. Neither President Trump nor Republicans in Congress have come up with anything resembling an idea for fixing the healthcare system. Government run health care is an attractive notion to the millennial Bernie bots who want everything provided for them free of charge, but it’s going to keep becoming attractive to more and more people as long as feckless Republicans fail to offer a serious free market health care alternative. The idea that Obamcare is a “conservative model” is of course a lie, but so was “if you like your plan you can keep your plan.” Truth no longer matters in politics. The irony of it all is that people on the Left love to resist the notion of anyone from the government intruding on their “right to choose” what they do with their own bodies, but they’re lining up to let the government make all their healthcare decisions for them. People will freak out over the idea that the NSA might listen to one of their phone calls or read their emails, but they will embrace the idea of letting the government decide whether their lives are worth the price of medical trea... Link to the full article to read more