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How to Catch Hackers? Old-School Sleuthing, With a Digital Twist - The New York Times

posted onMay 15, 2017
by admin
LONDON — Bank robbers wear masks and escape in vans with stolen license plates. Kidnappers compose ransom letters from newsprint to elude handwriting experts. Burglars target houses with the upstairs window ajar. Cybercriminals do much the same. They hide behind software that obscures their identity and leads investigators to look in countries far from their actual hide-outs. They kidnap data and hold it hostage.

Cyberattack Aftershock Feared as U.S. Warns of Its Complexity - The New York Times

posted onMay 15, 2017
by admin
The components of the global cyberattack that seized hundreds of thousands of computer systems last week may be more complex than originally believed, a Trump administration official said Sunday, and experts warned that the effects of the malicious software could linger for some time. As a new workweek started Monday in Asia, there were concerns the malicious software could spread further and in different forms, with new types of ransomware afflicting computers around the globe. There were initia

Calls for Special Prosecutor Driven by Politics, Not Law - Breitbart

posted onMay 15, 2017
by admin
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) leads investigations, not the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI conducts the investigation under the supervision of either U.S. attorneys’ offices or Main Justice. Supervising the FBI is a central part of any attorney general’s job.

Calls for Special Prosecutor Driven by Politics, Not Law - Breitbart

posted onMay 15, 2017
by admin
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) leads investigations, not the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI conducts the investigation under the supervision of either U.S. attorneys’ offices or Main Justice. Supervising the FBI is a central part of any attorney general’s job.

Melissa McCarthy, Alec Baldwin reprise Spicer, Trump 'SNL' roles in 'makeout' sketch - ABC News

posted onMay 15, 2017
by admin
Melissa McCarthy returned to "Donald Trump. In one sketch, set in the White House press briefing room, "SNL" cast member Aidy Bryant plays deputy White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. A reporter asks Bryant's Sanders, "Can you just do this full-time instead of him?" referring to McCarthy's Spicer, who is seen hiding in bushes outside the briefing room. Another reporter chimes in, "I'd also like to ask that question.

Former DNI Clapper says Russia likely sees Comey's firing as 'another victory' - ABC News

posted onMay 15, 2017
by admin
Former George Stephanopoulos on “This Week” Sunday. Clapper also told Stephanopoulos that then-FBI Director Comey seemed "uneasy" about having dinner with President Trump because of "the appearance of potentially compromising his independence." The former DNI noted he spoke to Comey at FBI headquarters ahead of the dinner on Jan. 27, a week after Trump took office. “I spoke briefly with Director Comey about the dinner," Clapper said.

Comey associates predict public testimony, describe discomfort with Trump dinner - ABC News

posted onMay 15, 2017
by admin
Associates of fired FBI Director James Comey believe that the former director's first comments on his termination would likely come in an open session before Congress, ABC News has learned. Comey declined an invitation to speak to a closed session of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday and was replaced on a panel testifying before that committee last Thursday by his temporary replacement, Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe.