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What you need to know about special counsel in the Russia probe - ABC News

posted onMay 19, 2017
by admin
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 presidential election and any collusion between Russia and high-ranking aides to President Trump. Mueller’s probe will ultimately be overseen by Rosenstein.

Pence maintains he was unaware of Flynn's lobbying ties during transition - ABC News

posted onMay 19, 2017
by admin
Vice President Mike Pence today is standing by his claim in March that he first learned of Mike Flynn's foreign lobbying from news reports, despite the revelation that the Trump transition team was notified before inauguration that Flynn was under federal investigation for those lobbying ties. The New York Times reported that Flynn had informed now-White House counsel Don McGahn on Jan. 4 and Flynn's lawyers had informed Trump's transition lawyers a second time after that.

Former Sen. Joe Lieberman top pick for Trump's new FBI director - ABC News

posted onMay 19, 2017
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President Donald Trump says he is "very close" to choosing his nominee to replace James Comey as FBI director. The president said former Democratic Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut is his top choice in the Oval Office on Thursday afternoon. Lieberman was also former Vice President Al Gore's running mate in the 2000 election. He served in the U.S. Senate from 1989 to 2013. Trump abruptly fired Comey last week amid an investigation into his campaign's potential ties to Russian officials.

Not normal: When a Russian president defends a US president - The Boston Globe

posted onMay 19, 2017
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Most popular on Based on what you've read recently, you might be interested in theses stories Ground Game For 80 years, a large part of the president’s legacy has been defined by how he conducts this country’s relationship with the Soviet Union or, now, Russia. Former president Barack Obama’s foreign policy approach was notable because his pivot to Asia was a really a pivot away from Russia. None of these presidents experienced what happened to came to his defense in the middle of a political firestorm. Yes, there are congressional and l

Politics - The Boston Globe

posted onMay 19, 2017
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Most popular on Based on what you've read recently, you might be interested in theses stories President Trump said the appointment of a special counsel ‘‘shows we’re a divided, mixed-up, not unified country.”  There’s anger. There’s agitation.

Capital - The week in politics and issues

posted onMay 19, 2017
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Most popular on Based on what you've read recently, you might be interested in theses stories Capital Source Terrorist attacks around the world are rattling the folks who run the State House, so much so they have created a new position – director of security – and are on the verge of filling it.  Capital Source The Massachusetts Dental Society has conducted a poll it says shows widespread concern about a new type of advanced dental hygienist, a sort of nurse practitioner of the dental world.

Politics - The Boston Globe

posted onMay 19, 2017
by admin
Most popular on Based on what you've read recently, you might be interested in theses stories President Trump said the appointment of a special counsel ‘‘shows we’re a divided, mixed-up, not unified country.”  There’s anger. There’s agitation.

Gov. Jerry Brown Calls California Taxpayers "Freeloaders"

posted onMay 18, 2017
by admin
Posted at 8:30 pm on May 16, 2017 by Kira Davis   a freeloader and he’s tired of your complaining. speech in Orange County last week Brown responded to criticism over a new $52 billion tax hike that was hastily rammed through Sacramento by the Democrat supermajority over the objections of taxpayers across the state.