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Joe and Mika Postpone Vacation to Address 'Bad Blood' With Trump

posted onJune 30, 2017
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Posted at 9:14 pm on June 29, 2017 by Andrea Ruth Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel once said, “Never let a serious crisis go to waste.” MSNBC’s Morning Joe affianced co-hosts, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, are seemingly tweaking Emmanuel’s statement a bit, to “never let a personal tit-for-tat with the president you’re friends with go to waste.” The couple has reportedly postponed their vacation plans, which would have had them off air on Friday in light of Thursday’s media firestorm over Trump tweeting about Mika’s bloody face after a facelift. The New York Post

The Lowering of the 'Presidential' Bar and How Moral Relativism Became 'Conservative'

posted onJune 30, 2017
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Posted at 4:00 am on June 30, 2017 by Jim Jamitis For a long time I felt comfortable among self identified conservatives because they made a point of not stooping to the level that the Left routinely does. Conservatives policed their own. Knowing that the media was stacked against us we recognized we had to, because to overlook bad behavior on our side while attacking it on the Left would be rank hypocrisy.

WH ethics office asked to investigate top Trump ethics aide | TheHill

posted onJune 30, 2017
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The Office of Government Ethics (OGE), sent a letter to the White House Thursday raising concerns about a possible ethics violation by top White House aide Stefan Passantino. Five Senate Democrats wrote to the top ethics watchdog group after Passantino delivered the White House's legal position on billionaire Trump adviser Carl Icahn's employment status to the media.

White House reverses course on including fiancés in Trump travel ban criteria | TheHill

posted onJune 30, 2017
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The White House reversed course over what counts as a close family member under President Trump’s travel ban on Thursday, the same day the policy was taking effect. The administration, which was predicting a smooth rollout of the executive order, said that refugees and travelers targeted by the ban who have a fiancé in the United States can still come into the country, in an apparent last-minute change to the new criteria. “Upon further review, fiancé will now be included as close family members,” a State Department official said in a statement to The Hill. The Supreme Court said

Sanders: Throwing 23 million off healthcare is 'beyond obscene' | TheHill

posted onJune 30, 2017
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Sen. three states. In his speeches, Sanders ripped the GOP effort to repeal ObamaCare as a massive transfer of wealth to the upper class. "Plain and simple, this so-called healthcare bill is a massive transfer of wealth from working families to the very very rich," Sanders said to cheers during the rally. The Hill 1625 K Street, NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20006 | 202-628-8500 tel | 202-628-8503 fax The contents of this site are ©2017 Capitol Hill Publishing Corp., a subsidiary of News Communications, Inc.