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Ted Cruz Calls Charlottesville Car Attack Deliberate 'Domestic Terrorism', Urges Justice Dept. Investigation

posted onAugust 13, 2017
by admin
Posted at 10:05 pm on August 12, 2017 by Caleb Howe Senator Ted Cruz has minced no words in his statement tonight about the events in Charlottesville, Virginia. He called out who and what, he (a lawyer by the way) gave no ground to the dumb theory it might have been a panicked accident, and he wants it investigated and prosecuted. Here is the text, followed by the tweet, which also has an image of the text, plus the urging of investigation. “It’s tragic and heartbreaking to see hatred and racism once again mar our great Nation with bloodshed.

LeBron James slams Trump in the wake of Charlottesville | TheHill

posted onAugust 13, 2017
by admin
Basketball star LeBron James ripped President Trump in the wake of the racially charged violence in Charlottesville on Saturday, invoking the president's campaign slogan.  "It's sad what's going on in Charlottesville. Is this the direction our country is heading? Make America Great Again huh?!

Wrath of right falls on Google | TheHill

posted onAugust 13, 2017
by admin
The firing of a Google programmer who authored a controversial memo criticizing the company’s diversity initiatives has become a cause célèbre for many on the right. They see the case of James Damore confirming their suspicions that Silicon Valley suppresses conservative viewpoints and are turning their fire on his former employer. Damore’s internal memo became public when published by Gizmodo last Saturday.

GoFundMe campaign raises nearly $80K for leftist protesters injured in Charlottesville | TheHill

posted onAugust 13, 2017
by admin
A "GoFundMe" online fundraising campaign for "comrades" injured in the violent counter-protests in Charlottesville, Virginia has raised over $79,000 so far, according to the fund campaign website.  The trending fundraiser page, which features the traditional red rose symbol of socialists, surpassed its original goal of $25,000 in roughly an hour, and has now raised the overall goal to $100,000.  "Comrades found themselves the victims of a Nazi terror attack today in Charlottesville, VA.

Justice Department opens civil-rights investigation into Charlottesville crash | TheHill

posted onAugust 13, 2017
by admin
The Justice Department has opened up a federal investigation into the deadly events in Charlottesville, Va. on Saturday after a car plowed into a crowd of protestors and left one dead. Attorney General MORE announced Saturday that a federal civil rights investigation into the incident had been opened. “The violence and deaths in Charlottesville strike at the heart of American law and justice.