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Kellyanne Conway says Pelosi succumbed to pressure from men on impeachment - The Boston Globe

posted onSeptember 28, 2019
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WASHINGTON — White House counselor Kellyanne Conway told reporters on Friday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi agreed to open an impeachment inquiry after “men around her” pressured her into it. Conway, one of President Trump’s most aggressive spokespeople, insisted that “there were no high crimes and misdemeanors” in Trump’s July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Conway said that Pelosi “finally capitulated to her angry mob” and then accused her of succumbing to pressure from male Democrats. “At 1 p.m.

Some call records were kept on secret server over concern for leaks, officials say - The Boston Globe

posted onSeptember 28, 2019
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WASHINGTON — The White House put some reconstructed transcripts of delicate calls between President Trump and foreign officials, including President Vladimir Putin and the Saudi royal family, into a highly classified computer system after embarrassing leaks of his conversations, according to current and former officials. The handling of Trump’s calls with world leaders has come under scrutiny after questions over whether a transcript of a July 25 call with President Volodymyr Zelenskiy of Ukraine was improperly placed into this computer system. The latest revela

NYT defends publishing information on whistleblower | TheHill

posted onSeptember 27, 2019
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The New York Times on Thursday defended the paper's decision to disclose key details about the whistleblower whose complaint against MORE has sparked an impeachment inquiry. In a note published Thursday afternoon, the Times said it was aware of criticism of its decision to include what detractors have said could serve as identifying details and make the person a target for retaliation. The newspaper wrote that it took the co

Five takeaways from Trump whistleblower hearing | TheHill

posted onSeptember 27, 2019
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Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire’s high-stakes testimony before Congress Thursday was fraught with tense moments as he defended his handling of a whistleblower complaint against MORE. In a rare move, the administration allowed the redacted version of the whistleblower complaint to be released before Maguire began his testimony on why he didn’t provide Congress with the allegations. The whistleblower alleged in a nine-page complaint that Trump sought to “solicit interference” from Ukraine in the 2020 election by pressing for an investigation of f

The five most serious charges in the whistleblower's complaint | TheHill

posted onSeptember 27, 2019
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MORE’s troubles grew deeper and darker on Thursday morning when a whistleblower complaint became public. Trump is facing serious threat of impeachment over his dealings with Ukraine and its president Volodymyr Zelensky. Speaker MORE (D-Calif.), a reluctant convert to the impeachment cause, is now spearheading the effort. Trump and his allies are fighting back over the allegations.

Democrats see whistleblower report as smoking gun | TheHill

posted onSeptember 27, 2019
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For months, MORE’s critics have been scouring his record in search of the smoking gun that might compel voters to back impeachment.  With this week’s release of a damning whistleblower report revealing Trump’s questionable dealings with Ukraine’s president, some lawmakers think they’ve found it.   "I think that's the missing link; that's what we've been waiting for,” Rep. MORE (D-N.C.), a former leader of the Congressional Black Caucus, told The Hill.

Dossier 2.0: 'Whistleblower' Complaint Relies on Soros-Funded ‘Investigative Reporting’ Group that Partnered with BuzzFeed | Breitbart

posted onSeptember 27, 2019
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The complainer admits, “I was not a direct witness to most of the events described.” Still, the so-called whistleblower goes on to allege that Trump pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. The transcript of the phone call authorized for release by President Trump evidences no such pressure or quid pro quo and shows the request to investigate alleged corruption involving Biden and his family was a small part of the call. The “whistleblower” conce