Article snippet: Posted at 7:32 pm on May 20, 2017 by streiff When I first read this Reuters headline tweeted by the Most Slappable Face On the InternetTM I was sure there was some kind of a typo. For months the whole anti-Trump coalition of NeverTrumpers and progressives have been railing on Donald Trump and his administration because it is alleged they don’t follow ethics rules closely enough. But no. Now they are accused of following them too closely. I don’t even know what the sourcing on this means. The “White House” doesn’t think. Is this a strategy being actively pursued by the White House counsel? Or not. And there’s no such thing as “obscure ethics rules.” There are ethics rules. Period. Trust me. There is no section in the CFR that says “Main Rules” and another that says “Obscure Rules No One Has To Follow.” This is from the rule: The same language has appeared in every code of ethics issued since Bill Clinton. As NPR sneered Trump’s Executive Order On Ethics Pulls Word For Word From Obama, Clinton. This is not an obscure rule inside of Justice or any agency IG where lawyers are hired from the outside. It is not an obscure rule inside of NIH or EPA or Energy or Defense or any agency that hires people from private industry to act as regulators, procurement officers, etc. It is bedrock basic ethics rules. So Mueller’s appointment violates ethics rules in place since 1993. But there is a process to review the potential conflict and determine if it is substantive. If n... Link to the full article to read more
Leakers Allege White House Plans To Use Ethics Rules To Weaken Independent Counsel