Article snippet: Posted at 5:50 pm on May 19, 2017 by Jim Jamitis Now that Sean Hannity has identified me—by association—as part of one of the five powerful groups trying to destroy President Trump, I though I would examine who exactly is destroying what. Honestly, I don’t think the way Trump is being treated is extraordinarily unfair, at least not in comparison to other Republican Presidents. Is the media largely slanted to the left? Absolutely. The only ones who deny that are people slanted so far the the left that they see the world sideways. But a leftist media has been a constant for ages. Have reporters and editors changed during the halcyon days of the “scandal-free” Obama administration? Or have Republicans just provided them with large slow moving target with a habitual tendency to wander into the line of fire? Despite the sort of whining he brings to speeches before the CIA or the Coast Guard Academy graduation I don’t think Trump can complain about unfairness. I say with great surety that he’s full of it. First, Trump is a “topper.” He has to be the superlative in any given category. In addition to that, I question whether he even believes this himself or if it’s just red meat for the red-capped rally set. Either way he calls it a “witch hunt.” That’s a lot like an actual witch complaining about a witch hunt. The key word in Trump’s complaint to the graduating class of the Coast Guard Academy is “unfairly.” Being treated “worse” isn’t necessarily the same as being... Link to the full article to read more
Can You Complain About a Witch Hunt If You're Actually a Witch?