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After Trump's Overshare With Russian Officials, Israeli Intelligence SNAPPED

posted onMay 20, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 9:00 pm on May 19, 2017 by Susan Wright Seriously, can you blame them? After the news broke that Trump chose to share highly classified intelligence with visiting Russian officials, pretty much all hell broke loose. Probably the most egregious detail was that President Loose Lips also gave the location of the undercover operative that was providing the U.S. with intelligence on ISIS’ moves in Syria. This bit of idiocy put an Israeli spy, embedded with ISIS, at risk. And Israeli intelligence officials are MMAAAAAADDD!! You have to wonder how Trump will be received in Israel on his first foreign trip, after going back on his word to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, suggesting that Israel stop building settlements in the West Bank, and now this. There’s “sharing facts,” and there’s “sharing facts/intelligence with our adversaries.” Trump seems to have a problem distinguishing between our true allies (Israel) and those who have already proven they are absolutely opposed to us. Link to the full article to read more

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