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How to Have a Better Flight

posted onFebruary 21, 2017

Article snippet: It’s no secret that flying these days can be a headache, with long security lines, delays and a growing list of pared-down amenities. While passengers don’t have a say over most factors that can make flying unpleasant, there are ways for them to have a better experience, according to a flight attendant who has worked for a major United States airline for more than three decades who requested anonymity to protect her job. Here, she shares her insights: BE POLITE, PLEASE Some passengers are exasperated when they board because they have had a stressful time getting to or at the airport and take their frustrations out on flight attendants. “We want to give you good service, but it’s hard when you’re getting upset with us for things we don’t control,” she said. Passengers also become testy with flight attendants because their preferred meal choice ran out, the onboard Wi-Fi isn’t working or the flight is delayed, all of which attendants don’t control, either. Politeness, including saying please and thank you when making requests or being served, creates a more positive mood for everyone. And, the flight attendant said, readers should know her job is no picnic — in recent years, flight attendants have had to deal with pay cuts, increased health insurance costs and longer work hours. SAFETY COMES FIRST Some fliers, no matter how seasoned, ignore one (and sometimes all) of three passenger no-no’s that affect their safety: They get out of their seats to get their bags fro... Link to the full article to read more

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