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Listen to ‘The Daily’

posted onFebruary 21, 2017

Article snippet: In recent days, we’ve started to hear talk of a possible explanation for the cascade of government leaks that have so inflamed President Trump since his inauguration. There have been leaks of his executive orders before they are issued, of classified conversations with foreign leaders and about White House infighting. The source, we are told, may be something that could define this new presidency as much as the president himself. It’s called the deep state. On today’s episode: • As the White House battles leak after leak, is there an organized network trying to undermine the Trump presidency from inside the American government? We’re joined by Scott Shane, who has covered national security and the American intelligence community for decades. • Who are the 500 private citizens with unprecedented access to Mr. Trump during weekends? We talk to Nicholas Confessore and Maggie Haberman, who, along with Eric Lipton, unmasked the secret list of Mar-a-Lago members. Background reading: • What is “the deep state”? The Interpreter column explains. • The Times’s investigation of the Mar-a-Lago membership list, along with a graphic showing how the resort turned into the Situation Room. Tune in, and tell us what you think. Email us at Tweet me at @mikiebarb. And if that isn’t enough, we can even text. If you don’t see an audio player on this page or to subscribe to The Daily for free, follow the instructions below. On your iPhone or iPad: Open the preload... Link to the full article to read more

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