Article snippet: Posted at 4:00 am on May 18, 2017 by Jay Caruso For eight long years, Republicans and conservatives endured Barack Obama blaming George W. Bush for every problem he encountered, whether it was related to the economy, terrorism or foreign policy. Every blunder and failure led to finger-pointing at “the previous administration” and the “mess” they “inherited.” Obama supporters easily fell into the trap of saying, “Well, what about Bush?” whenever they faced criticism. It’s an easy way to deflect attention from the shortcomings of your guy but it’s not a valid defense, nor is it a valid excuse. Many of my conservative friends are upset the mainstream media is going balls to the wall when reporting on Donald Trump. Digging in, working hard and leaving no stone unturned because the President is no longer Barack Obama. It is a valid gripe. The media allowed President Obama to get away with behavior they’d never tolerate with Donald Trump. A perfect example of the press going soft on Obama was the Justice Department reading through Associated Press phone records and the disgraceful act of labeling Fox News journalist James Rosen a co-conspirator in an Espionage Act investigation. Yes, the media covered it and there was a fleeting sense of outrage but no constant pressing of the issue, even after Attorney General Eric Holder was caught lying about his role in the scandal. Journalists didn’t threaten a boycott of the White House Correspondents Dinner. Chuck Todd never o... Link to the full article to read more
With Trump, Conservatives Cannot Give Into Whataboutism