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Politics - The Boston Globe

posted onMay 18, 2017

Article snippet: Most popular on Based on what you've read recently, you might be interested in theses stories The Justice Department appointed a special counsel to investigate possible coordination between associates of President Trump and Russian officials in the 2016 election.   Mueller served in Boston under William Weld, the US attorney at the time, and led the office when Weld took another job in the Justice Department.   It’s been a spring of political assertions and denials, and now a long, broiling summer is about to unfold.   Michael Flynn told the Trump transition team that he was under investigation, and despite the warning, President Trump made Flynn his national security adviser.   A month before Donald Trump clinched the GOP nomination, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Trump could be paid by Vladimir Putin.   “I’d like to have less drama,” said Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, who says he still has confidence in the president.   Last week, President Trump called Stephen Colbert ‘‘a no-talent guy’’ who isn’t funny and tells ‘‘filthy’’ jokes.   SCOT LEHIGH Finally, someone has done the right thing.  EDITORIAL The decision to name a special counsel is the right call to restore a measure of confidence in the integrity of the investigation into Russian interference in last year’s election.   Opinion | Laurence H. Tribe Congress must act immediately to initiate impeachment investigations of Presid... Link to the full article to read more

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