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The RedState Box Office Report

posted onMay 15, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 7:00 pm on May 14, 2017 by Brad Slager Quite a dismal weekend for debuts embarking on their trip into theaters. New arrivals this week concerned characters involved with great travels, but they failed to leave the station against an epic trek across the universe. Marvel’s latest juggernaut was not remotely challenged this week by a pair of misguided releases. Lost in much of the hype of huge numbers and masses of crowds turning up for summer blockbusters is the stumbling that occurs with the also-rans which fail to attract much attention. This was a solid second week compared to other Marvel first sequels, ranking as the second best hold, flirting with the best sequel sophomore session. With debuts peforming poorly there was likely second and third time ticket buyers boosting support. As I predicted on Friday this new Amy Schumer attempt failed to even hit the $20m mark. Very weak reviews, and the apparent sparse comedy found in this romp was hurt further by critics upset at the xenophobia and other social aggressions on screen. When you lose even the leftist journalists prospects for your film are dim. Rather questionable there would be an audience for a stylized retelling starring the guy from “Sons of Anarchy”. Heading into the weekend there was already lowered expectations for this Guy Ritchie version of the British legend, which indicated trouble. This result comes in even ten million below those dismal projections. Warner Brothers was looking... Link to the full article to read more

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