Article snippet: Posted at 4:00 am on May 15, 2017 by Jay Caruso One of the pillars of advice in Sun Tzu’s ‘The Art of War’ is, “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Similarly, Napoleon’s (at least it’s attributed to him) advice to, “Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself,” is wise counsel Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer should follow. As was reported yesterday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is open to blocking whoever Trump’s nominee is to head up the FBI unless Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appoints a special prosecutor to investigate links between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. There are a couple of problems with going the route of a special prosecutor. First off, a prosecutor’s scope is very narrow. They are tasked with looking for evidence of a crime. It’s possible no crimes were committed. It is why the FBI is treating the investigation into Trump’s campaign and Russia as one of counterintelligence. It is not a criminal investigation. James Comey said the investigation would determine if a criminal prosecution is warranted. The FBI is doing their job. Second, the role of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees is to provide oversight of the executive branch of government. They don’t have prosecutorial powers, so they are not conducting a criminal investigation. At some point, the creation of a special commission made up of intelligence experts and lawmakers to look int... Link to the full article to read more