Article snippet: Most popular on Based on what you've read recently, you might be interested in theses stories It was the eye roll seen ‘round the world. After a clip of CNN anchor Anderson Cooper lifting his eyes skyward at Kellyanne Conway went viral last week, the White House counselor on Sunday called the move “possibly sexist.” Conway’s comments came after Cooper interviewed her Wednesday about the firing of FBI Director James Comey. After showing several clips of Donald Trump praising Comey while on the campaign trail, Cooper said, “So now your White House is saying that what he [Comey] did was wrong, but previously, as a candidate, Trump said it was the right thing.” Conway responded, “You’re conflating two things that don’t belong together. Thanks for the trip down memory lane, and I was on your show often last fall saying we were going to win Michigan and how we were going to do it, so that was fun.” At that point, Cooper gave a noticeable eye roll as Conway continued, “But here’s what happened today. Today — not in the campaign — in the White House, the president of the United States —” ‘‘Fox News Sunday’’ host Chris Wallace opened his show this week by highlighting who was not on his guest list. Cooper then interrupted her, asking, “So that person doesn’t exist anymore? Candidate Donald Trump, that’s a fictional character we no longer are allowed to refer to? We can now only refer to the Donald Trump who exists today?” “Anderson, I’ll ignor... Link to the full article to read more