Article snippet: Posted at 9:07 pm on May 13, 2017 by streiff Early Sunday morning, Korean time, the North Koreans conducted another missile test. The Japanese are saying that it seems like a new type of IRBM and there are muddled reports that the launch may or may not have taken place with no detectable preparation. If the latter case is true, that represents a major escalation in how the North Koreans are testing missiles and would seem to be a rehearsal for a first strike on South Korea. The thing to focus on here is the USPACOM statement. Why? Because there is a great deal of evidence that launching an ICBM, a missile that would threaten US targets, would be casus belli in the eyes of the administration. (BTW, for the folks who had angst about the State Department wanting to clear Nikki Haley’s public statements, this is Exhibit A in why they were right.) Much like the Palestinians, who were described by Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban as a people “who never miss a chance to miss a chance,” the North Koreans fired this missile just after the ROK elected a soft-on-communism, accommodationist president in the person of Moon Jae-in. The potential for warmer relations seems to have evaporated. Link to the full article to read more