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Sean Hannity Becomes a Hysterical Ninny Over Kevin Williamson's Piece About 'Hysterical Ninnyism'

posted onMay 13, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 7:30 pm on May 12, 2017 by Jim Jamitis Sean Hannity lost what was left of his grasp of reality when he decided to quit being a conservative pundit and start being a full-time Trump apologist. He’s constantly spoiling for a fight with anyone who dares to question his glorious leader. The Hannity/Trump relationship is one that always calls to mind Chester and Spike, the dogs from Looney Tunes. (I’ll leave it to you to figure out which man is which dog.) Yesterday it was—of all people—Bette Freaking Midler. Today Hannity is stomping his feet and shaking his fists at National Review’s Kevin Williamson. Williamson wrote a rather brilliant piece today about the hysteria gripping much of America which in addition to not being sufficiently obsequious to Trump suggested that Hannity might be a “ninny.” Read the rest of Williamson’s post. It is pretty spot on in capturing the overall craziness that is resulting from the hyper partisan, binary mentality of many on both the right and the left. Everything is literally the worst thing ever for these people. They’re running out of negative superlatives and frankly losing their minds. All of the analysis clearly went over Hannity’s head at the cruising altitude of a private jet. What set him off was being called a ninny—well, that and discovering that Williamson had long ago blocked him on Twitter. In a manner reminiscent of Donald Trump, Sean tweeted his rage at Williamson. Hannity likes to point out how peopl... Link to the full article to read more

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