Article snippet: (Want to get this briefing by email? Here’s the sign-up.) Good morning. Here’s what you need to know: • The fallout from President Trump’s abrupt firing of James Comey, the F.B.I. director, dominated a Senate hearing about the biggest security threats facing the United States. Andrew McCabe, the acting F.B.I. director, rejected the White House’s claim that Mr. Comey had lost the support of his colleagues, and he pledged to resist any attempt to hobble the investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election. We also learned that Mr. Trump had pressed Mr. Comey to promise loyalty to him at a private dinner in January, but Mr. Comey promised him only “honesty.” Our reporter Michael Shear gave us an inside look on how he broke the news of Mr. Comey’s firing. And his colleagues offer analysis of Mr. Trump’s decision in this video. _____ • “We want freedom of press, freedom of association and freedom of thought.” That was the Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani, at a campaign rally in Tehran for the May 19 presidential election. During the campaign, which lasts only a few weeks, politics are not only freer, but edgier, our correspondent in Tehran writes. _____ • Brigitte Macron, France’s incoming first lady, who is 24 years older than her husband, has stirred a lively, and sometimes erudite, debate about sexism, ageism, marriage and what a modern French first lady should actually be. “Madame Macron’s age is a feminist issue here,” a writer said. “We’re... Link to the full article to read more
F.B.I., Brigitte Macron, Mother’s Day: Your Friday Briefing - The New York Times