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GOP leaders still puzzle over President Trump - The Boston Globe

posted onAugust 27, 2017

Article snippet: Most popular on Based on what you've read recently, you might be interested in theses stories NASHVILLE — Republican Party leaders assembling for their summer meeting found themselves in a bit of a bind. In public they swooned over President Trump, especially his pull among his base and his fund-raising power. In private, some fretted over his unwillingness to reach beyond core supporters, and his constantly divisive tactics remain unsettling to party elders who don’t know exactly what to make of him — still. “As you change the rules of politics, which Trump has been doing, people get nervous,” explained James Bopp, a leading conservative lawyer and Trump supporter who attended the meeting. “They get insecure. They’re puzzled. They’re worried. The familiar is now changing. How is this going to play out?” Trump gave party members plenty to muse over during the four-day Republican National Committee meeting. They distanced themselves from his hints to challenge incumbent senators facing reelection, threats to force a government shutdown over building The Wall, and his pardon of Joe Arpaio, the controversial former Arizona sheriff, which one member called “tone-deaf.” And over the week, there were other signs of Republican leaders charting a separate path from Trump. Ignoring his controversial, seesawing statements on white supremacy, the RNC unanimously approved a clear-cut resolution condemning racist beliefs. Separately, House Sp... Link to the full article to read more

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