Article snippet: Posted at 7:00 pm on August 22, 2017 by Susan Wright Well, this is fun. Over the weekend, an email imposter, posing as Steve Bannon, contacted a Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow and convinced him that A) he was talking to Steve Bannon, and B) got him to admit a willingness to do the “dirty work” against aides within the Trump administration. The emails exchanges were given to CNN by the prankster. So apparently, this guy is good at what he does and he’s turned it into an art form. Marlow couldn’t care less about being exposed, saying, “The obsession with Breitbart News is simply a result of our effectiveness. This time, an imposter deceitfully obtained and shared with CNN tongue-in-cheek emails that revealed that we feel Globalists present an existential threat to the agenda that got President Trump elected.” So, plans to go full-nasty are justified. The prankster began: Later, Marlow shared what CNN describes as a “personal smear” against Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner’s private life. CNN chose not to repeat the rumor, so it’s probably pretty uncomfortable. Breitbart’s senior editor-at-large, Joel Pollak, also fell victim. The prankster went on to explain to CNN that he was inspired to carry out this practical joke after Bannon’s departure from his role as White House chief strategist, when it immediately became known that Breitbart was preparing to go to war with the same people Bannon had just called his colleagues. Yes, they are, but they do ... Link to the full article to read more