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Trump defends Charlottesville response, lashes out at critics at combative campaign rally - ABC News

posted onAugust 23, 2017

Article snippet: In the face of swirling controversies and political infighting, and after a formal address Monday in which he expressed hope the country would find the inspiration to "unify" and "heal," President Donald Trump struck a hostile and defiant tone for the bulk of a campaign rally in Arizona Tuesday evening. Trump railed against his critics and the media as he continued to defend his response to last week's violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. After pledging to the audience inside the Phoenix Convention Center that he was "fully committed to fighting for our agenda" and would "not stop until the job is done," the president utilized much of his time recounting his actions in the wake of the white nationalist rally that left one woman dead in central Virginia. Trump assigned much of the blame to the "dishonest people in the media" whom he portrayed as having unfairly covered his condemnation of the "hatred, bigotry and violence" in Charlottesville -- a denunciation he delivered the day of the rally, while also saying blame was present "on many sides." The president's detractors accused him of being slow to specifically identify the hate groups that contributed to the clashes, recognition that eventually arrived in a speech two days after the rally, as Trump pointed out Tuesday. "I hit them with 'Joe Arpaio, who was found guilty of criminal contempt in July. Trump previously said he was "considering a pardon," though the White House denied it would be announc... Link to the full article to read more

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