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Politics - The Boston Globe

posted onAugust 23, 2017

Article snippet: Most popular on Based on what you've read recently, you might be interested in theses stories The first deployments could take place within days.   President Trump had said he was ‘‘seriously considering’’ a pardon for former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio, an immigration hardliner.  President Trump also scheduled a rally in Phoenix, which left local officials concerned that emotions may run hot after his remarks on Charlottesville.  Louise Linton apologized for boasting about her wealth and then disparaging someone who criticized her during a nasty Instagram exchange.  She bragged about how much she paid in taxes — but who exactly is she?   The Trump administration has rejected a coal industry push to invoke a rarely used emergency order protecting coal-fired power plants, a decision contrary to what one coal executive said the president personally promised him.  A woman who worked for Arroyo said he “spanked” her buttocks, made sexual comments, and grabbed her by the back of her neck. Arroyo called the allegations baseless.  The governor said he remains confident in Luis Ramirez despite accounting problems at a company Ramirez recently led as chief executive.  POLITICAL NOTEBOOK Louise Linton apologized for boasting about her wealth and then disparaging someone who criticized her.  The relationship between the president and Senate majority leader has disintegrated. They have not spoken to each other in weeks.  The spending by... Link to the full article to read more

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