Article snippet: Posted at 7:30 pm on August 21, 2017 by Jim Jamitis According to Katrina Pierson, slavery is “good history” that somehow shows how great America is. Talking head segments on cable news are normally pretty inane. The host poses a question and then Democrat and Republican “strategists” proceed to contradict each other. (The term “strategist” seems to mean anyone who ever thought about maybe doing some kind of job for a political campaign somewhere at some time.) Katrina Pierson has been one of the more blindly loyal Trump surrogates you’ll see pop up on TV, and during a segment on Fox News she perfectly demonstrated how unconditionally supporting or rejecting a proposition out of pure partisanship can make you look really stupid. Pierson begins with a decent point about Nancy Pelosi’s decision that the Confederate statues in the Capitol where she has been ensconced for decades suddenly need to go. Obviously Pelosi is a political opportunist and a hypocrite, but that alone isn’t an argument for the necessity of keeping Confederate monuments. Pierson’s comments then devolve into an incoherent mishmash. Attempting to arbitrarily wedge a divisive comparison to ISIS into her comments seemed to derail what little logic she was trying to employ. What does ISIS even have to do with this question? Bad culture is what strips Americans of a respect for human life and it should be defeated, not loved. Bad history should be acknowledged but who “loves” that Americans once ... Link to the full article to read more
Holy Cow! Trump Surrogate Says 'Slavery is Good History'