Article snippet: Posted at 4:00 am on August 22, 2017 by Joe Cunningham Last night, President Donald Trump gave what was a very hawkish speech on the Afghanistan strategy his administration will be taking. It featured a promise to get out of the business of nation building and to get tougher on terror havens like Pakistan. The hawkish wing of the party – Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and even Marco Rubio – seeming to take it well. Graham even called Trump “my president.” Weird, right? But, while last night was all about the war abroad, we do still need to talk about the war at home. Tensions within the country are at an all time high, and while it is easy to say “The Left is getting violent,” we cannot ignore the fact that elements of the Right – fringe though they may be – are just as chaotic and un-American as the elements of the far Left that we decry almost daily. These elements are not mainstream, and yet they get the most media coverage. As we have pointed out before, it is no surprise that the media would choose to side with Antifa (as well as whitewash over its more violent elements) over center-right groups. The labeling of a free speech group in Boston as “alt-right” and “controversial” was just their way of condoning Antifa’s existence at the rally. However, what did Antifa end up doing? Throwing water bottles filled with urine, as well as rocks and stones, at police officers. Was every member of the protest guilty? Of course not. A friend of mine who attended the ... Link to the full article to read more
Don't Forget The War At Home