Article snippet: Posted at 9:30 pm on August 20, 2017 by streiff The left has developed an entire public relations campaign in the last week to convince everyone that the lackwit anarcho-marxists of the ‘antifa’ (correctly pronounce an-TEE-fa, I’m told) movement is actually not violent. Put aside the documented fact that every single time this bunch appears violence takes place. Not only are they violent, they are now operating with the full sanction of the mainstream media. A typical apologia was dissected by my colleague Jim Jaritis yesterday. You get guys like Chuck Todd giving the ‘antifa’ and their cheerleaders unfettered access to the airwaves and are not challenging them in any way. As Ben Domenech wrote in The Federalist: To get a flavor for just how much the media is pulling out the stops to mainstream and normalize political violence from the left is this from CNN. This was a puff piece romanticizing the weenie-armed thuglets of the ‘antifa,’ to be sure. It is also DoubleSpeak of the worst kind. I”m old enough to remember leftists of a different era saying “fighting for peace is like f***ing for virginity.” But even at its worst, no one on the right has ever claimed to achieve peace through violence, particularly with the natural state was peace before the ‘antifa’ nitwits arrived. Now the headline reads like this: Notice what’s missing? That’s right. The reference to violence being part of the ‘antifa’ ethos. Pay special attention to the “editor’s note.” This ... Link to the full article to read more
CNN Blatantly Covers up 'Antifa' Violence for the Most Amazing Reason