Article snippet: Posted at 10:54 pm on August 20, 2017 by Kira Davis Whenever the issue of racism pops up it’s ugly head in our public discourse, I get tons of messages from genuinely concerned Americans asking me what the solution is to our race problems. There isn’t one solid answer and I frankly don’t believe there can ever be a such thing as ending racism. This would have to mean a complete overhaul of the human condition and in millennia of human existence only one person has proven capable of doing that, and no one’s seen that dude for a while (although some are saying he might ride in on this solar eclipse!). However, this does not mean we can’t all be working toward fighting as much of it as we can. A lot of people think fighting racism and division means finding something big to do. The real progress comes when people are willing to take up the little tasks, the ones that don’t bring glory or accolades or get you a fawning Twitter following. Here a few simple things every American can try to help bridge the racial divide. Link to the full article to read more
10 Things You Can Do to Fight Racism Right Now