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Federal Judge Schedules Hearing on Legality of DREAMer Program

posted onAugust 19, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 9:21 pm on August 18, 2017 by streiff Sign in favor of immigration reform are on display outside Judson Memorial Church on West 4th Street in New York CIty on June 5th, 2010. Image by Jens Schott Knudsen © 2010  | | Twitter: @jensschott   via Flickr Creative Commons License 2.0. If you recall, back in 2014 an alliance of 26 states sued to stop an expansion of DACA and its partner regulation, Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents, commonly referred to as DAPA. The states prevailed in the Fifth Circuit and a tied SCOTUS locked in the decision. While this was happening, the lawsuit against DACA, itself was stayed. On June 29, Texas and nine other states informed the Justice Department that it had until September 5 to make DACA a law or they would sue to have DACA declared illegal. The suit would be heard by the same judge who issued the previous injunction. Today, the judge showed that the threat is real: Then-homeland security secretary John Kelly has said that the administration will probably not defend the law in court. I’d disagree with the newspaper on where the pressure lies here. Trump is on record as saying a) he opposes DACA but b) something needs to be done for the people in the program. I think that is where most Americans are. A legal action that will, inevitably, declare DACA to be illegal will put a huge amount of pressure on Congress to act because 2018 is just around the corner and Tr... Link to the full article to read more

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