Article snippet: Posted at 9:36 pm on August 15, 2017 by streiff Monday, Texas A&M announced that it would not let a “White Lives Matter” rally take place on its campus. This was being “organized” by an A&M alumnus and Richard Spencer had been invited to speak. This virtually guaranteed a nasty media spectacle as these two symbiotic groups, the “white nationalists” and the “antifa,” clashed in front of several hundred reporters. (By the way, if you find yourself defending these Aryan Brotherhood wannabes you need to rethink your values; likewise, if you’ve come to the conclusion that a collection of masked communists and anarchists carrying the hammer-and-sickle flag are the good guys.) Texas A&M said no way because of the obvious threat to public safety posed by the proposed rally and because A&M rules say that campus space is only available to activities sponsored by a campus organization. On the whole, given what we’ve seen happen the times these groups mix, a prudent move by the university. There was a general sigh of relief in Texas… for the time being. The organizer plans to try again using public space. One of the best responses came from Senator Ted Cruz: That is exactly where I am. Shutting down speech is the worst possible solution because someone gets to decide which speech is shutdown. We saw under Obama what happens when an administration unleashes the IRS to ensure that some speech is not heard and uses other government levers to limit the ability o... Link to the full article to read more
Ted Cruz Sets the Record Straight on Free Speech and Really Bad Ideas