Article snippet: Posted at 10:30 pm on August 15, 2017 by Jim Jamitis It’s fairly well known that President Trump tunes in the Fox & Friends pretty regularly. Is that where he got his talking points about the events in Charlottesville though? IJR’s Tommy Christopher seems to think so and he’s probably right. (I know, but broken clocks, blind squirrels, yada yada yada.) Watch the segment here: This seems to be precisely the basis for Trump’s unscripted remarks today at Trump Tower. And to be fair, Huntsman actually said that there are good people on both sides of the “debate” over Confederate monuments, not both sides of the protests in Charlottesville as Tommy Christopher asserts. Christopher’s extreme leftism is forcing him pretend that the debate over Confederate monuments began with this weekend’s protests and that one side is made up entirely of neo-nazis and the KKK. (Remember this is a guy so full of irrational white guilt that he refuses to eat watermelon because it reminds him of racial stereotypes.) In the real world, the issue of Confederate monuments has been a topic of discussion for quite some time—well before Nazis got involved and started running people over, so Christopher’s attack on Huntsman is little more than blind partisanship. Link to the full article to read more
Did President Trump Lift His Wishy Washy 'Both Sides' Comments from Fox & Friends?