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WH sends GOP talking points saying Trump ‘entirely correct’ on Charlottesville | TheHill

posted onAugust 16, 2017

Article snippet: The White House is pressing President Trump's allies in Congress to argue that "the president was entirely correct" in his assertion that both white nationalist groups and anti-racism protesters deserve blame for the violence that erupted in Charlottesville, Va. over the weekend. In talking points sent to GOP members of Congress Tuesday and obtained by The Atlantic, the White House communications office urges Republicans to cast Trump's message as one of unity and argue that the president did, in fact, unequivocally condemn racism.  "The President was entirely correct – both sides of the violence in Charlottesville acted inappropriately, and bear some responsibility," the talking points read.  "The President condemned – with no ambiguity – the hate groups fueled by bigotry and racism over the weekend, and did so by name yesterday, but for the media that will never be enough," it continues. The talking points are intended to help the president's allies rebut criticism mounting around Trump's criticism of what he called the "alt-left" during a contentious news conference on Tuesday. In that news conference, the president defended himself against criticism that he was slow and equivocal in his condemnations of the violence that broke out in Charlottesville on Saturday.  He also defended those who gathered in the Virginia college town to protest the removal of a Confederate statue, suggesting that doing so could pave the way for statues of George Washington and Thom... Link to the full article to read more

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