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Scaramucci on his firing: 'Obviously I paid the consequences' - ABC News

posted onAugust 14, 2017

Article snippet: Former White House communications director Steve Bannon. Scaramucci today said that “for the record, I thought that was off the record.” He called Lizza’s decision to record the call “a very deceitful thing that he did.” "He wrote the article like I was unhinged and overly emotional and bombastic," Scaramucci said of Lizza. Scaramucci said that "the words were mischaracterized in the original article," before noting "he's not misquoting me but he is mischaracterizing me." “Obviously I paid the consequences,” Scaramucci told Stephanopoulos, later noting that he feels he made “an unforced error.” When asked if he thought he deserved to be fired, Scaramucci said that "well obviously I wished they would've given me a bar of soap and told me to wash my mouth out in the bathroom and move on." He said that with the addition of retired Gen. John Kelly as the new chief of staff after Priebus's dismissal, "it was going to be very hard for me to stay in the job." "My feeling about the whole thing is that what happened was sort of meant to happen," he said. Link to the full article to read more

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