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Ben Sasse Reassures America We're Not Going To War In Venezuela

posted onAugust 12, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 12:00 am on August 12, 2017 by Joe Cunningham Senator Ben Sasse issued a statement following Donald Trump’s suggestion that the United States would use military in Venezuela to solves its problems, and as you might expect of the Nebraska Senator, he decided that being rational was the best option. And, of course, Sasse is absolutely correct here. Nicolas Maduro is a horrible human being, and Venezuela is all kinds of @#$%ed up right now. However, that doesn’t mean the United States needs to go in and “fix” it with a military solution. That is the opposite of a good, rational idea. It is a bad idea, and it is a nonsensical one. Kudos to Sasse for being one of the few remaining adults in Washington D.C., when it seems everyone else is losing their minds. It’s nice to have some frank, level-headed discussion rather than talking points and posturing. Good on the Nebraska Senator. Link to the full article to read more

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