Article snippet: Congressional investigators want to question Hillary Clinton, ABC News has learned. Rhona Graff, a senior vice president at the Trump Organization who has worked at Trump Tower for nearly 30 years, has acted as a gatekeeper to Trump. She remains a point of contact for the sprawling universe of Trump associates, politicians, reporters and others seeking Trump's time and attention, even now that he's in the White House. Graff's position in Trump's orbit recently gained attention after Donald Trump Jr. released a June 2016 email exchange with British publicist Rob Goldstone leading up to the meeting with Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya at Trump Tower. “I can also send this info to your father via Rhona," Goldstone wrote Donald Jr. in the email, "but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.” Graff was not on the email chain and it's unclear if Goldstone ever made direct contact with her. “Since her name is in the email, people will want her to answer questions,” said Rep. Peter King, R-New York, a member of the House Intelligence Committee who knows Graff. “If you go into Trump Tower, you’re going to mention her name.” The president, who has said he does not use email, communicated with associates for years through Graff. "Everybody knows in order to get through to him they have to go through me, so they are always on their best behavior,” Graff told Real Estate Weekly in 2004. According to sources familiar with Trump's habit... Link to the full article to read more
Congressional investigators want to question Trump's longtime secretary, Rhona Graff, in Russia probe - ABC News