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At Least Eight Reasons Why the Talk of North Korea Leveling Seoul Is Simply Wrong

posted onAugust 11, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 11:59 pm on August 9, 2017 by streiff War is destruction and death. It’s serious business. So the facts should be taken seriously and measured accurately. I’ve touched on this subject in the comments several times in the past here at RedState, but have put off writing about it because I’ve discovered there is an inverse relationship to how long it takes me to write a story and the interest it gets. However, the North Korea crisis makes this appropriate and necessary I think. I’ll use as my point of departure a Washington Post story from today titled Twenty-five million reasons the U.S. hasn’t struck North Korea. It discusses the idea that if war breaks out between North Korea and the United States and South Korea that Seoul, South Korea’s capital will be obliterated. The  25 million in the title is the population of Seoul. This is the premise: This is the map that is used to make their point: Before we get started let’s clear away two falsehoods in this pullquote. North Korea has about 700 artillery systems, tube and rocket, that can shoot 30 miles or more. There are perhaps 200 rocket systems that can cover the full 44 miles shown on the map. The tube artillery can barely hit Seoul’s northern suburbs. There are not “similar corps” on either side as the west side of the map is ocean. See the map of DPRK Army corps below if you doubt me. Geography is hard, and as we will see, math is harder. Fallacy #1. Seoul is within easy artillery range of Nor... Link to the full article to read more

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