Article snippet: Americans for Prosperity (AFP) on Thursday announced that it's rolling out new digital ads on tax reform — the latest effort in the multimillion dollar campaign on the issue from groups backed by wealthy GOP donors Charles and David Koch. The ads thank lawmakers who back comprehensive tax reform that's in line with AFP's goals of more economic growth and a fairer tax system. About one dozen House and Senate members are being featured in the ads, including House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) and Senate Majority Whip MORE (R-Texas), an AFP spokesman said. “It’s important to us to let the public know when lawmakers are taking a principled stand for them," AFP Chief Operating Officer Sean Lansing said in a statement. "We’re encouraged that so many members in both chambers are supporting pro-growth tax reform that can expand opportunity for every American. We plan to keep encouraging these champions to spread the word about tax reform through the Summer and into the Fall, and we hope more members will rally behind these principles for a tax code that is fairer, flatter, and simpler for all.” Congressional Republicans and the White House have said they want to pass tax-reform legislation by the end of the year. Policymakers and outside groups have been working to rally the public behind tax reform over the August recess. AFP and other groups in the Koch network have been actively pressing lawmakers to back growth-producing tax reform for the last severa... Link to the full article to read more
Koch-backed group releases ads thanking lawmakers who support tax reform | TheHill