Article snippet: Posted at 9:00 pm on August 7, 2017 by Kimberly Ross Each year, on the first weekend in August, Amsterdam holds a gay pride parade. Obviously, this is nothing new. Many large cities around the world hold similar, annual celebrations. In a show of support for the 2017 pride weekend, Royal Dutch Airlines combined LGBT + airline safety in one #PrideAmsterdam ad. Only. . . they got it horribly, horribly wrong. Well, actually, it does matter who you click with when you’re sitting on a plane, about ready to take off into the wild blue yonder. I get the schtick they’re going for, but it is one of the stupidest ads I’ve ever seen for any agenda. It just doesn’t make sense. More than anything, it’s amusing. Some marketing executives sat around a table, dreamed up the absurd picture, believed themselves to be clever and so “with the times”, and sent it off into the far reaches of the internet. If they were attempting to undermine the entire LGBT agenda in one picture, they definitely succeeded. Promoting airline safety? Not so much. With some things, there is only one combination that truly works. Thanks for proving that, guys! Link to the full article to read more
LGBT Ad From Dutch Airlines Undermines Entire Agenda In One Hilarious Picture