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SERIOUSLY? Creepy Text Messages Sideline ANOTHER Fox News Host

posted onAugust 6, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 5:00 pm on August 5, 2017 by Susan Wright For Fox News (codename: Foxy, Sexy-time Action News), the hits just keep on coming. Let’s be sure to keep a running count on all the perversions and misogynistic scumbaggery coming out of the so-called “conservative” alternative to the other networks, that tend to be left-leaning and biased. And to be fair, they may have their own skeletons, but with Fox, the fish rots from the head down, and that’s exactly what we’re seeing. On Friday, the news broke of another Fox News host doing something totally inappropriate. Fox News host, Eric Bolling, has been accused of sending lewd images by text to three female colleagues, several years ago. The women recognized the texts to be coming from Bolling, because the phone number used was the same from previous exchanges they had by text with him. The Huffington Post broke the story on Friday, and on Saturday, Fox News announced that Bolling is suspended until an investigation is complete. On Friday, Bolling said he did not recall sending any lewd images, which is kind of odd. If they’re bad enough that you’re now in trouble for them, wouldn’t you remember? Also, the only people who can’t recall sending specific pictures of, um, male “junk,” are the people who do it so often, that pinpointing specific recipients of said “junk” is difficult. Fox News say they were unaware of any allegations made against Bolling, until the report was released by HuffPo. Bolling’s attorney ... Link to the full article to read more

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