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Under Trump's Strategy, ISIS Has Lost One-Third Of Its Territory

posted onAugust 6, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 8:32 pm on August 5, 2017 by streiff While there was a lot of tittering last week over the idea that President Trump has accomplished nothing, anyone who has been paying attention knows that the media focus on the Trump generated chaos in the White House has obscured a lot of significant achievements. For instance, attempts at crossing the US-Mexico border fell by 52%. But nowhere has the change of administrations been felt more keenly than in the fight against ISIS. Today the Washington Post, of all places, has a story headlined Under Trump, gains against ISIS have ‘dramatically accelerated.’ No matter which set of data you like, the numbers ‘one-third’ and ‘2016’ appear together. This is not Obama’s strategy, this is a result of Trump getting the NSC out of the business of micromanaging military operations at the tactical level and letting the regional command fight a war it is very capable of prosecuting. If you recall, back in early February former Obama NSC staffers leaked to the compliant media that they had presented the Trump administration a plan all ready to go. As I pointed out, the plan they described wouldn’t work because it relied upon Kurdish forces to a) leave their homes unprotected, b) advance perpendicular to the existing roads and lines of drift, c) take Raqqa and immediately give it back to Arab forces, and d) the Kurdish force listed for this misadventure had yet to be trained or equipped. While the administration hasn’t rolled... Link to the full article to read more

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